The basic function of the Webdiary ordering system is to create orders for health care in linked medical facilities. The system is designed for the following
Unregistered users
A quick way to create orders without prior registration. The method for ordering is:
- select necessary workplace from the list in the left-hand column of the application
- the user enters the necessary personal data
- in the next step, the user enters the order parameters
- choose a suitable appointment from the free times offered
- save order
- confirmation of the order will be sent to the e-mail entered in the order
- on the day before the ordered procedure, you will be reminded of the approaching appointment on the telephone number stated in the order
- the user does not have to register in the system
- a list of popular places cannot be created
- for a reorder, the necessary personal data must be entered again each time
- some workplaces may not allow orders from unregistered users
Registered users
After a simple registration, users can create orders in a simpler way than for unregistered users. The method for ordering is similar to that for unregistered users, except:
- workplace selection – the user can also select a workplace from the list of popular workplaces
- the user does not enter his personal data, it is automatically transferred from the registration data
- option to create a list of popular places for repeated use
- simplifying the order process - no need to repeatedly enter the necessary personnel data
- some workplaces may not allow orders from registered but not activated users
Registered and activated users - patients
Registered Webdiary system users can be activated by a responsible person. Further information about the activation process can be found here. The order process is similar to that for registered but unactivated users. The difference is in the resultant order. Thanks to the user confirmation (patient), a record is made in the register of doctor's patients on activation and orders are directly linked to this record.
- an activated user (patient) may enter orders for a larger number of workplaces,
- doctors can work better with orders from activated users in their information system, and they are also more reliable so that the doctor won't order another patient at the given time in addition
- the activation process is dependent on confirming the identity of the user by the responsible medical facilities worker, this cannot be done without a patient visit, more about activation here
Registered doctors
Registered doctors (general practitioner or specialist) may input orders using the Webdiary system for any patients and within all workplaces. Further information on how to become a doctor registered in the Webdiary system can be found here.
The process for making an order for a patient is the following:
- výběr pracoviště – lékař může vybírat pracoviště ze seznamu svých oblíbených pracovišť nebo z celé nabídky pracovišť
- patient entry – the doctor enters the patient insurance number (IN), first of all the system checks if there is a patient with this IN in the patient register of the target hospital () and also if a patient with this IN is already registered in the Webdiar system. If patient records are found, they are automatically added to the order and the doctor is asked to enter the rest of the details about the patient
- further order steps are the same as for an order by an unregistered user
- the doctor can quickly and easily create an order for his patient's required procedure